What Is The Spirit Diet? (Part 4)
I launched my company and i had a great start and attracted amazing clients.
however i had a nagging urge that my idea could more lucrative and more importantly, it could have amazing social impact if done correctly.
i found a void in the market and several pain points in my own community that i could fill.
i asked around and eventually, arranged a meeting with a friend of a friend. I wanted a neutral person to hear my ideas and tell me what they thought from a business perspective.
He loved my ideation and he encouraged me to do a business plan and get an investor.
Could it be that simple?
NO lol
I had NO IDEA how to get a business plan done and although he thought I should try and open a juice bar; at that time, I felt like that was a huge undertaking.
I had never really considered myself business savvy but throughout my life and in many situations I excelled or did above average with little effort. So I figured I could figure it out but I did not feel that business was my strong suit.
I put together my first business plan and I sat down with my first potential investor.
(This is me and my sister on my way to the meeting. My life was about to shift. I had NO idea)